A Soft Sunrise: Her Heart is Quiet Today

Her heart is quiet today.

Taking a breath.

Looking inward.

It was full to overflowing yesterday to see the face of one of her favorite humans.

Happy to live in a world where humans like that existed.

Looking forward to a long night’s restful sleep.

But her sleep was anything but restful.

It was fitful.



Like her heart.

But when she awoke, her heart was quiet.

It whispered to her reassuringly as she moved mindfully through her morning practice.

Concentrating on the soothing act of brushing her teeth, sitting on the edge of her bed, feet up in her favorite position, arms resting on her knees.

And then brushing her hair, allowing herself to wonder for just a moment how it would feel with his hands running through it.

Focusing on the conscious task of making her bed, turning on the fairy lights, placing each pillow just so. Folding the fluffy blanket at the end of the bed.

It calmed her senses and felt like a moving meditation, not unlike her morning pages practice.

There was a soft, loving reminder in the back of her mind as she moved through her morning chores.

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

It became like a mantra to her as she held her heart in her gentle hands and stroked it like she would the soft baby chick hair of her children when they were babies.

Delighting in the way it felt beneath her fingers.

Oh, to have those quiet moments back again.

Instead of the sadness and angst of the past several years.

Always bracing her heart for another twist. Another unexpected turn.

But now, her heart was quiet.

She moved about her sanctuary with her thoughts, acknowledging each one, questioning its truth, and then letting it go.

The softness she felt about her thoughts felt like self-love and she immediately knew she longed for more.

The peppermint tea feeling much the same as it slid down her throat and warmed her soul from the inside.

The image of herself on the side of her mug, in a meditative pose that she felt deeply.

The Emerson quote on the teabag reminding her that it only takes one acorn to create a forest of trees.

Her heart hadn’t felt light in a long time…too long.

But now at least, it was quiet.




And breathing.

In and out. In and out.

Chop wood, carry water. Chop wood, carry water.

She read a passage in the book closest to her and the words filled her up. Almost as much as her favorite soul did last night.


She took a deep breath as the day stretched out before her.

She reached her hand into her own soul…

Offered her healing hand to her quiet heart…

And softly began her day.