I Look Forward to Finally Meeting You, Love

Sunday mornings are for coffee and daydreams.
The kind that have me wondering about slow love.
Knowing glances over our steaming mugs,
Me baking scones for you, and you feeding me a bite of your bacon…

I wonder what you will look like,
Although that’s never mattered much to me.
I care so much more about what your soul feels like,
And how connected we are…beyond the day-to-day activities.

Will you be tall? Or perfectly my height, so we’re eye-to-eye when you kiss me?
Will your hair be graying like mine (under all this red)?
Or will you tease me about how much older I am than you?
Your eyes will be gorgeous no matter the color, because you’ll see me deeply. And allow me to see you.

Will you make fun of me relentlessly for my Top 40 music,
Or love listening to all my music simply because you love me?
Will you sing to me your favorite songs,
And share how they make you feel?

What will we do on our Sundays together?
Are you slow to rise, like me, and will you cuddle me until it’s time for coffee?
Or will you kiss me awake early, eager to share our day together,
Ready to figure out how we want to enjoy each other today?

Let’s have fun together, love…making ordinary errands an adventure full of laughter.
Let’s make chores playful and light — we’ve both had enough darkness.
Will you play our music loud as we take care of our checklist?
Or will you ask me to nap with you instead, just because we can?

And then let’s find something fun to do together.
Whether it’s as simple as going for a drive to look at the fall leaves,
Going for a walk together in the cool air,
Or finding a picnic table and sharing a caramel apple for dinner.

I live in a land-locked state right now,
But my heart has always been at the beach.
Is that where you are, looking out at the waves and wondering about me, too?
Or are you also land-locked and dreaming about an ocean escape with a like-minded love?

Will you love my children? They are two halves of my heart.
And will you love me as a mother when you witness that side of me?
Will you love that part of me as much as you love my softer side?
Will you have children of your own that I can love and nurture, too? Or a fur baby who is your soulmate and best friend?

And about my heart, love…she is so, so soft…
Can you care for a heart as delicate as mine?
We both have bruises that the other didn’t cause,
But will you own yours as I will own mine — and be gentle with the other’s past?

Will you be okay with all my tears? Because I will not hold them back, my love.
My heart is too big to contain all my feelings sometimes,
I feel them all and oh-so-deeply,
And I need someone who will hold them all as sacred as I do.

And you? How deeply can you let me love you?
Because I will love you more deeply than you can imagine.
Are you willing to allow another heart to truly cherish yours?
Because I will not settle for less this time.

I dream about you and know that you are there,
Although I don’t know how I know.
Perhaps you are already part of my world…
Or maybe you are waiting for me on a beach somewhere.

I am not in a hurry to make anything happen,
Because I trust in the Universe and her divine timing.
I’ve been rushed before and regretted it every time,
This time, I will allow only the most natural flow of love.

In the meantime, know that I am here,
Loving on myself while daydreaming about you,
Hoping that you are taking care of you. And also hoping that you know…
I look forward to finally meeting you, love.