
You Made Me Believe­­­ — & Now I’m Scared I Can’t Do It Again

You Made Me Believe­­­ — & Now I’m Scared I Can’t Do It Again

You made me believe.

You made me believe. In a lifelong love that could not be broken. Would not be broken. No matter what.

You made me believe. In love lost and love revisited. That the one that got away sometimes comes back. And thought that I was the one that got away.

Let Go, Love — You’ve Waited To Exhale For So Long

Let Go, Love — You’ve Waited To Exhale For So Long


It’s not so hard, right?

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.


Except when it’s not.

Except when the weight of the world has left your shoulders bruised and sore.

Except when you find yourself taking a deep breath, only to realize it’s because you’ve been holding your breath. For a very long time.