personal growth

A Wistful Sunday, A Restless Soul

A Wistful Sunday, A Restless Soul

I awake feeling something I cannot name,
Something that feels unusual in my soul.
Until it comes to me softly,
And whispers its name to my heart…Wistful.

A long, quiet Sunday stretches out before me,
An empty day that is mine to create.
And while there is peace in my home,
There is none in my heart.

Words Have Power, Beautiful Stranger — & I’m Taking Mine Back

Words Have Power, Beautiful Stranger — & I’m Taking Mine Back

Words. Have. Power.

We used to talk about that often. How powerful words are.

About how I try not to assign them too much power, because I know they mean more to me than most people. And because some words land differently with me than they do other people.

You were so, so careful to not make any promises from the very beginning. You just wanted to walk this journey together, for as long as we were supposed to. Just focusing on the present moment.