
Some Days, I Don’t Want To Be Brave

Some Days, I Don’t Want To Be Brave

Some days, I don’t want to be brave.

Some days, I want to go back to the way things used to be.

When things were safe and predictable.

When I was in my comfort zone. Where big, scary growth doesn’t happen.

Because lately, I’ve been overwhelmed with all the big, scary growth.

How Brené Brown brought my Green-Eyed Monster Out.

How Brené Brown brought my Green-Eyed Monster Out.

Brené Brown is everything we want her to be.

Recently, I had the pleasure of sharing my day together with 1,400 other people at a local spiritual church, listening to Brené Brown talk about her newest book, Rising Strong, in a day-long workshop called, “Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice.”