
Taking Back our Yoga Pants from the Guy in the Pickup Truck.

Taking Back our Yoga Pants from the Guy in the Pickup Truck.

Today, I saw a bumper sticker that should have made me chuckle.

It said, “I love yoga pants.”

This is something you wouldn’t be at all surprised to see in my small, suburban town.

It is a sentiment a lot of women I know would whole-heartedly agree with.

Caught Between the Badass Women I Love and the Bully on the Playground.

Caught Between the Badass Women I Love and the Bully on the Playground.

It’s been a few weeks now since the election and here is where I’m still struggling.

I am caught between the badass women I love and the big, bad bully on playground.

There are three women—perhaps more—whom I have admired, respected and looked up to as feminist role models in my life for a long, long time.

Women who, it turns out, voted for Trump.